Teamwork's ABA Services

Serving all ages and a multitiude of locations

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ABA Therapy for Autism

Applied Behavioral Analysis, or ABA for short, is the gold standard recommendation for children who have received a diagnosis for autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Teamwork Healthcare works with children and individuals of all ages and spectrum levels to increase their skills to live and thrive independently and decrease problem behaviors. Targeting skills that enhance your child’s social, personal, and academic abilities compounds over time resulting in significant change. The skills practiced and mastered today will continue to assist your child well into adulthood and beyond.

Get started building these skills today. 

ABA Services in New York

Therapists That Come To You

Teamwork Healthcare provides ABA in your child’s most natural environment, their home. Therapists traveling to your location reduces any worries or complications surrounding travel needs or costs. Most importantly, your therapeutic team will be able to address your child’s goals and behaviors in the natural environment in which they occur. Therapy taking place in the home will psychologically associate the lessons learned in sessions with the place you will use them most. Your presence allows you to not only learn the techniques of ABA, but helps your child be their most comfortable. A comfortable therapy environment creates the ideal setting for learning and retaining information in practice.

Our Team Is Your Team

When you join Teamwork Healthcare’s program you gain access to a team of experts that personally know your child and are here to professionally answer all of your general and specific questions. That’s a lot better than relying on internet forums and groups of people who don’t know your child and may not be experts.  Your team of specialists will get to know your child as the unique individual they are and tailor their treatment to be the best for them. Alongside your expertise as the child’s parent, the collaborative approach enhances the therapy even further.

Teaching Your Child Skills To Help Them Thrive

Living Skills

Self-help and self-care behaviors like feeding, dressing, and hygiene. Budgeting for older clients.

Social Skills

Communicating and listening to others. Sharing, playing, and politely expressing one’s feelings.

Safety Skills

Responding to the word “stop” and communicating identification of safety or pain concerns.

Academic Skills

Asking questions. Increasing focus and decreasing problem behaviors that impede learning.


Unfortunately, many therapy programs only teach in a highly structured setting and fail to teach skills in the learner’s natural environment, leading to a lack of generalization. As a result, the child is only able to perform the skill in the environment where the skill was taught and sometimes only in the presence of the specific clinician. Simply put, NET prevents these issues from arising as NET occurs when a trainer incorporates ABA in the learner’s natural environment.


Verbal Behavior therapy treats learning language just like learning any other behavior.  VB aims to teach learners how to use language. We want to clarify that language is not merely spoken, but also includes actions, such as gesturing.


DTT is a form of instruction that focuses on breaking down entire skills into several smaller steps and building them up step by step until the whole skill is mastered.


Pivotal Response Treatment advocates for the focus on certain “pivotal” behavioral skills and that progress made with these skills will open the floodgates for improvement in other social, communicative, and behavioral areas that are not specifically targeted. The four pivotal learning variables are motivation, responding to multiple cues, self-management, and self-initiations.


Fluency can most easily be defined as accuracy plus speed. A fluency program looks to improve the frequency of correct responding that can be provided within a specific amount of time to build a skill to become second nature.

Who Do We Work With?

Teamwork’s therapists are clinically trained to work with clients of all ages. Whether your loved one has just been recently diagnosed or is a teenager or young adult that needs some additional support, we’ll be glad to work with your family and equally confident we can do a good job.

What Are The Benefits Of A Home-Based Program?

The primary advantage of in-home services is the ability to apply the principles of ABA in the child’s everyday life, thereby allowing him or her to carry over any skills learned at home into more formal or controlled settings (e.g., school, center-based settings). While there are many skills that a school or facility may be able to teach, there are some that may not be feasible to teach. Without a real-life application of learned skills, therapy is inconsequential. In addition, when therapy is conducted at home, parents find it easier to participate as the child and therapist interact, leading to more learning opportunities and transfer of knowledge from the therapist to the parent. We believe that therapy becomes exponentially more effective the more engaged the parent is. Best of all, no travel is required because we come to you.

How Does Technology Help Our Clients?

We share the same goal as the families we work with: maximizing a loved one’s potential. Two fundamental components to achieving that are engagement and collaboration.

When we refer to engagement, we mean how actively involved a parent or caretaker is in the individual’s growth. We try to make sure that caretakers are as involved as possible and so we do everything we can to help them stay focused. If we can take your mind off of the administrative work, then we can help you focus on what matters most. That’s why we try to make the process seamless for you: don’t waste time figuring out what convoluted invoices mean or where to send checks. In addition, we send automatic text reminders ahead of our sessions so that we reduce cancellations. Less cancellations mean better service for you and your loved one.

Collaboration is one of the best ways to ensure your loved one is receiving the proper individualized support. We share our progress reports within our own team, but also with parents and caretakers as well. The best part is, the data we collect is always at your fingertips! No more giant binders filled with papers and graphs that could be ruined, ripped, or lost. The data is portable too! The progress your child makes during ABA at home is always at your fingertips to share with teachers, caregivers, family members, or any other professionals on your team. We believe a dedication to open communication can lead to significant gains in a family’s overall quality of life.

How Does Technology Help Our Clinicians Work?

We thought the days of pen and paper record keeping were long behind us, but several companies still rely on archaic methods to support their clients. Teamwork’s clinicians each get their own iPads to ensure that sessions run as efficiently as possible. Clinicians are equipped with tools to properly track whether a loved one is acquiring new skills or reducing certain behaviors. Afterwards, the data that clinician’s collect are automatically graphed into easily digestible outputs. Why is this important? When clinicians spend less time making graphs, they can spend more time analyzing them and assessing how well individuals are progressing and how to sustain that momentum. They can also share progress reports with you more easily or utilize an online platform to ask other clinicians about any concerns they may have on a client’s particular situation.

Ready to get started?

We Accept Most Major Insurance

Helping children progress into the best versions of themselves through ABA at home and in school. 

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New York, NY 10001

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